Tantra massage and lingam stimulation – the fascinating procedures with rich tradition behind them
The exquisite tantra massage comes from a long lineage of Asian massages. These physiotherapeutic procedures tend to treat the body as a field of flowing energy. Stress, bad lifestyle, depression, negative thoughts, injuries, illnesses – all of it stifles the free flow (or is in turn caused by its stifling), so the energy becomes trapped and blocked. Tantric therapy is aiming to unblock it and allow it to freely circulate again. Very close, if not in the tantric territory itself, is a lingam stimulation – the ritual stimulation of the penis. In this article, we’ll discuss
- The principles on which a tantric massage rests
- The way it is performed
- What exactly is lingam and the ritual that honours it
- What separates lingam from tantric stimulation
A proper tantra massage has a meditative aspect to it
Asian massages can differ significantly, but what they have in common is their immense popularity. Some are willing to part with considerable sums of money to indulge in some Asian pleasure. But tantra is more than that. This procedure is a branch of an ancient Hindu tradition. Apart from bringing sensual pleasure, its goal is to calm and focus the mind and make it more aware of itself as well as of its surrounding – in short, to train you in mindfulness. Since body and mind are interconnected and tantric stimulation should be a holistic process, it of course doesn’t shy from a physical touch.
Like with some other Asian massages, working with energy is crucial here. And erotic energy is being seen as perhaps the most powerful of all. The goal is to increase and preserve it – ejaculation is viewed as wasting it. Masters of tantric techniques are able to control their orgasms in such a way that they get to experience them in full force without actually ejaculating – the energy therefore actually stays within the body, keeping you vitalised.
Slow is the key
The actual tantric ritual is very refined and slow, much slower than what would you expect for example from the regular erotic massage. It relies on a special breathing technique most of all, sometimes complimented with ritual mantra chants which help to ease and clear your mind. The build-up to the climax is slow, the touches gentle, sensual and unrushed.Not an inch of the body is left untouched, with special care given to the erogenous zones.Sometimes everything is spiced with extra stimulation by exotic items such as ostrich feathers or gentle furs. While beginners aren’t usually able to control their ejaculation, tantra nevertheless teaches important lesson in self-control and restraint, which has a positive impact on the sex life later.
Lingam – a close relative to the tantra
The word “lingam” has multiple meaning in Sanskrit, but usually it has phallic associations. Phallic symbolism is closely tied to the deity Shiva, the god of creation, and his shrines and worship places often feature phallic statues. The origins of what we know as lingam massage are somewhat murky – nowadays it’s considered a part of tantric tradition, but ritual stimulation of the penis to honour the god Shiva may be even older than that. However, today’s lingam massage most definitely utilises tantric techniques to bring about pleasure, so it’s not off the mark to associate the two together.
The difference lies in the way it treats orgasm
Whereas tantra aims to contain the sexual energy inside the body, lingam massage doesn’t share these inhibitions. Though the procedure also incorporates slow, gentle strokes and correct breathing, gradual build-up of arousal and clever postponing of orgasm, it doesn’t try to stop you from ejaculating. It is not only a way of giving your energy back where it came from, but also of letting go the negativity and of flushing the stress out of you. Ejaculation is good in the context of lingam massage!
Which would you consider more beneficial – the tantric or lingam stimulation? And for what reasons? Do you agree with the principles of energy flow and transfer that marks these eastern traditions, or do you hold a different view? Which one? Discuss in the comments below.